If you have an intra-oral scanner you can send your STL files directly to our lab in real time, eliminating the need to use a delivery service, saving additional time & money.

Contact Madeline at 410-780-7700 to setup & integrate your system with ours.

MADELINE DIACOLOUKAS joined our team in 2011 as a scanner & designer & also assisted with the work flow in our CAD/CAM department. She now manages our IOS, 3D digital printing & Smile Shapers Aligner departments.

She enjoys helping our doctors learn to scan & become more knowledgeable about the latest technological advances in the industry. She is constantly discovering new ways to successfully 3D print different appliances for a better workflow in the lab.

VALANTI DIACOLOUKAS manages our CAD/CAM Suite. He started working with us during the summers of 2009 & 2010, mentored by his grandfather & founder, Gus Diacoloukas. In 2011, Valanti came on board full-time in our emax Department, spruing & investing.  He received comprehensive hands-on-training from his dad, Nick Diacoloukas & specialized training on our mills. Valanti shares the family passion for the industry.